Saturday, November 15, 2008

Muggle Musings

Now that I've returned to the Land of the Living, I did what every self-respecting Return
Missionary does: I watched Order of the Phoenix and read The Deathly Hallows!

Now I don't know what is so captivating about Harry Potter! I still don't think its particularly good writing. But it sure rakes in the dough. Let's start with a few comments on the movie. LOVED IT! Way more than I expected. After all I hated the 5th book. Best parts? Way sweet battle between Dumbledore and Voldemort. I loved the actress who played Luna Lovegood. And of course Helena Bonham Carter.

I finished The Deathly Hallows like 30 mins ago. Now there were some things I didn't like. All of those boring scenes with them wandering in the woods, or Harry Potter. Gag me with a spoon, I was all for him dying at the end of the book. Sorta got my wish. But I am glad I do not have any more pages of his whining left to read. I was also way disappointed in Hermione and Hagrid. Both have been characters I loved in the past. In this book they were both kind of inept. After Ron and Hermoine really became an item, she was less appealing. And Hagrid started out good (shooting a brick wall out of your flying motorbike? Brilliant!) but went down hill fast.

That sad, here is what was FABULOUS. The war scenes in the story, towards the end, were pretty exciting (centaurs and Trelawny shooting crystal balls). But these are the star players that made me LOVE it...

one: Neville Longbottom. He has always been one of my favorites, and I've been waiting for him to really be heroic!

two: Mrs. Weasley. Probably the best Mother Hen scene ever when she rushes in to save Ginny from...

three: Bellatrix. As far as the villains go in this book, she's my favorite. There might be another one I'm forgetting, but I don't think so. I think she was superbly written by J.K. Potterwoman. Her evilness, her twisted devotion, her fierce loyalty. And don't forget who plays her in the movies ...

four: Kreacher. As far as chracter turn arounds go, his was my favorite. I think the House Elf is one of the best examples of my opinion that this stories three Heroes are not nearly as endearing as the other characters in these books. Plus we have to give an honorary note to
Doby, too. Because it makes me seem sympathetic mainly.

and lastly

five: Dame Maggie Smith! or maybe I should say Professor Minerva McGonagall! Again, she is a character I've loved since book one, and when my favorite Dame played her in the movie I was in Maggie-Heaven! But in this book she did what I always wanted her to do - kick butt! I can not wait to see Maggie pull that off on screen. But even more than my imagined special effects, I loved her most for her stern compassion and her powerful presence even when she was conceding to a undesirable predicament.

So there they are! The best of the best! Three Cheers!

What did I miss though? Need we say it? I'm sure we all missed Moaning Myrtle.

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