Sunday, November 23, 2008

Weekly Update

Its been an exciting week. Ready for some highlights? Good.

I've sorted out housing for when I go back to school. The destination is the glamorous Roman Garden Apartments, where all your dreams come true! My contract is in the mail.

I gave my "homecoming" report last sunday. It was so good to be in my home ward. It made me feel like a stinkin' celebrity! And that's my biggest addiction. I also went to institute... I won't say it was boring... but I'll have to lie then, if you decide to ask me about it. Okay, it wasn't that bad, but it was not worth the invested hour of driving (each way!)

I watched Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (disappointed), Transformers (better), Kung Fu Panda (amusing), and Hairspray! (Fabulous!)

I also got caught up on a lot of my High School friends by Nate Rotunno, Esquire. We ate Thai Food, and went and saw the Importance of Being Ernest at the High School. I really enjoyed the performance. And just as the newspaper said, they had "intimate" seating. They haad bleachers set up right on the stage. I love it when plays have fun seating like that. Love it!

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